Learn more about EAS in our docs
Attest to anything and everything.
Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) is an infrastructure public good for making attestations onchain or offchain about anything.
Reputation Systems
Knowledge Graphs
So much more
P2P Attestations
Social Networks
Digital Identity
Built for Everyone
Public Good. Open-Source. Permissionless. Token-Free.
Easily start building with others on mainnet, several L2s, and various testnets.
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EAS is growing
attestations made
unique attesters
schemas registered
Attest to anything.
Create schemas and attest with them about anything. Easily create your own schemas for your unique use case or explore a few created by the community.
Your digital and physical identities.
Things you say online.
Asset ownership
What you own, like a car or house.
What you care about.
Your trust and credibility.
Your skills and badges.
What you have access to.
Financial status
Credit scores and financial health.
Digital signatures
Verified signatures on chain.
The origination of anything.
Two simple contracts for any use case.
EAS works with only two smart contracts. One to register an attestation schema, and another to make attestations on Schemas. Elegantly simple. Limitless possibility.
What will you build?Get started yarn install @ethereum-attestation-service/eas-contracts ->
Explore the scanner.
Use EAS Scan to easily view and create schemas or attestations. Available on several mainnets and testnets.
Attestation Explorer
EAS is the base layer.
EAS is designed to be that foundational infrastructure for the attestation ecosystem. Neutral, open, and built for the community, without presupposing too much or building too high in the stack.
Attestations build trust online + onchain.
Application Layer
New and existing apps become more trustful and composable.
Reputation Graphs
Digital Identity
Provenance & Proofs
Voting Systems
Attestation Layer
Where any type of entity makes attestations about anything.
Peer to Peer
Contract to Contract
Machine to Machine
Ethereum Attestation Service
The universal and community-led base layer where schemas are registered and how attestations are made.
Settlement Layer
Where attestations are settled and can be verified onchain or offchain.
Layer 2s
What will you build?
Get inspired. The opportunities the attestation layer creates are endless.
Identity Verifications
Aggregate DID, VC, and offchain identities.
Issue and verify tickets to events.
Trust Networks
Reputation systems & trust scores onchain.
Social Networks
Verified and user controlled social networks free from bots.
Voting Systems
Voting for local, national, & global communities.
Attest to real world outcomes and offchain information.
Undercollateralized Loans
Credit scores and financial status.
Land registries
Verified titles & deeds to property.
Signing documents
Digital notary and signing services.
Proof of provenance
Know the origination of the goods you buy.
Come build with us.
Ethereum Attestation Service is being built by the earliest of Ethereans and a diverse community of passionate builders.
Join the community.
Start building with EAS. Reach out to us with any questions or if you need support implementing EAS to your projects.