Participating in #GG20? Support EAS ⚡

Launch your Shoutoutattestation product in 6-weeks.

Join the Attestation Fellowship and turn your innovative ideas into reality with hands-on support from leading experts in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Week 0
Apply now
Submit your application before March 6th to join an elite cohort of attestation innovators.
Early March
We select around ten teams we believe can truly make a difference.
Week 1-5
Build & Validate
Five weeks of hands-on mentorship to bring your idea to life.
Week 6
Pitch Your Vision
Pitch to ecosystem partners & investors who can help scale your vision.
Week 6+
Ongoing Support
Stay connected with a network that keeps supporting you beyond the program.

Are you a good fit?

We're looking for ambitious people who want to change the world. Join the first batch of the Attestation Fellowship and be recognized as an early innovator and pioneer with attestation technology.

~15 mins to complete


~20hrs per week

Build and scale alongside top ecosystem partners & mentors.


~2hrs per week

Share their expertise and grow reputations as attestation leader.


3hrs @ Demo Day

Give feedback to early stage teams and decide whether to continue convos.


~1hr / week

Nurture early stage teams and shape their growth trajectory.

Curated Mentors, Judges, & Partners.

We're hand-picking a diverse group of industry leaders to help you reach demo day and scale beyond.

Interested in helping founders? Get in touch.

OptimismCoinbase VenturesMastercardMastercarda16z CryptoEthereum Name ServiceEAS

What will you build?

Attestations will help us build more trust online and onchain. We're looking for top innovators who want to solve some of the biggest challenges facing our world today.

Intellectual Provenance

Verifying the origin of digital property, music, ideas, and much more.

Reputation Systems

Decentralized reputations systems for social, finance, loyalty, knowledge, services.

Attested Data Markets

Trusted oracle services and data marketplaces for humans and DePin.

Content Authenticity

Attesting to the authenticity of the content we create, consume, and train on.

Voting Systems

Fraud-proof voting systems for communities and governments.

Audit Verifications

Services for attesting to financial audits and security audits.

Undercollateralized Lending

Using attestations to build onchain credit and undercollateralized loans.

RWA Verifications

Attesting to real world asset verifications and ownership.

Read our FAQs for more detail.

Here's a quick list of FAQs. Join the Telegram group if you have more questions.

What is the fellowship?

Why does this fellowship exist?

Why should I join as a founder?

How long is the program, and when does it start?

What will a typical week look like?

Who should apply for the fellowship?

Is this virtual or in-person?

If I have an idea i've been working on should I still apply?

When do applications close, how selective is the process?

As a mentor or judge, what's expected of me?

How does the fellowship facilitate funding or partnerships post-program?

What kind of ongoing support is available after the program?